Teaching & Learning 

5 Step Model

At the Kidsgrove Secondary School, teaching and learning is at the heart of everything that we do.

Each lesson follows a clear teaching and learning 5 step model that includes a lesson question to deepen students investegative skills into the curriculum. Each lesson has a ‘Master’ outcome to stretch all learners. 

The following steps of  ‘explore’, ‘engage’, ‘secure’, ‘model’ and ‘evaluate’ have ensured that teaching and learning is intuitive and engaging through a consistent framework regardless of the subject. In addition, the explicit focus on adaptive teaching approaches and scaffolding towards independence means that we are equally ambitious for all learners, including those with special educational needs. 

The digital strategy fits perfectly into the five learning step model which means that resources are interactive and accessible for all.

The 5 step model can be seen below:



Teaching and Learning

Updated: 30/04/2024 248 KB